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v2025 (2)


Gas leak kills 11 in Indian city Ludhiana

Following a gas leak in northern India, at least 11 people have died.

Among those killed in the port city of Ludhiana in the Punjab province were women and children. Numerous people were discovered unconscious in their homes.

After numerous people reported breathing problems, the area was shut off and the residents were evacuated. Four people are receiving treatment.`

So far, it is unclear where the leak is coming from. According an official, manholes may have been the source of the gas leak.

Surabhi Malik, the deputy commissioner of Ludhiana, is quoted by foreign media, "We are going to collect samples from manholes. Methane and some chemical presumably reacted with one another in manholes.

Locallegislator, Rajinder Pal Kaur Chhina told foreign media that the event took place close to a milk store. People who came in the morning to buy milk collapsed outside, she claimed.

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