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v2025 (2)


Lasantha's daughter calls for impeachment of Attorney General

Ahimsa Wickrematunga, the daughter of slain journalist Lasantha Wickremetunga, has called for the impeachment of Attorney General Parinda Ranasinghe.

In a letter to Prime Minister Dr Harini Amarsuriya today (06), Ahimsa raised serious concerns over the AG's recommendation to discharge three individuals who had been named as suspects in the death of her father.

"The facts of what transpired last week make clear that this decision was no accident. It was no innocent mistake. It is the result of the culture that Mr. Ranasinghe has fostered and allowed to flourish in several parts of the Attorney General’s Department – a culture of nonchalance, callousness, complacency and utter disregard for their duty to victims of crime and the witnesses who risk their lives to protect the integrity of our justice system," Ahimsa said.

Ahimsa further said that the only way to fulfill the government’s pledge to repair the justice system is to "impeach him before Parliament and seek his removal from office".06 February 2025 Impeachment of Attorney General 250206 110945 page 0001

06 February 2025 Impeachment of Attorney General 250206 110945 page 0002

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