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v2025 (2)


3800 graduates receive Govt. jobs

3800 unemployed graduates received appointments in the public sector on Tuesday at Temple Trees under the first stage of granting appointments to 16,800 graduates in the country.

The graduates were appointed based on a selection programme spanning across all districts in the Island. 880 of the graduates appointed are external degree holders. The Prime Minister's Office said that the graduates were recruited to the Ministries of National Policies, Economic Affairs, Resettlement and Rehabilitation and Northern Province Development and Youth Affairs.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe underlined that the aspirations of a few development officials are to move on to another job while others hope to remain in this service. He noted that today they have granted these graduates this training through the e-learning system. He went onto note that they have to create economic development programmes at a rural level parallel to the other rural programmes. The Premier added as these graduates received these appointments, similarly, as a second phase, they will provide jobs by filling the vacancies by recruiting external degree holders.

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