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v2025 (2)


Woman sentenced for life over heroin-filled tennis ball

A woman has received a life sentence for throwing a tennis ball containing heroin at an inmate in the Welikada prison.
The verdict was passed by the Colombo Magistrate Judge Champa Janaki Rajaratne, on to a married 33-year-old woman named Hiruni Alwis, living in Seevali Mawatha, Borella.
The convicted had been accused of throwing a tennis ball over the wall of the Welikada Prison, in January 2011, to get the heroin concealed in the ball to a prison inmate. There had been 3.15 g of heroin concealed in the ball.
After a lengthy trial, Judge Jayarathna decided that the accusations against the defendant have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
Accordingly, the convicted was sentenced to a life imprisonment.

Source : Ada Derana

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