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v2025 (2)


Rangajeewa being protected : Justice will not prevail!

It is reported that IP  of the Police Narcotics Bureau who is accused of being connected to assassinating the inmates of the Welikada Prison is not being arreste Neomal Rangajeewa due to political interference.

When the incident occurred at the Welikada Prison, Rangajeewa who was accompanied by a group of security personnel had selected prisoners to get rid of while they were said to be having a prepared list at hand as proven at the hearings of the Committee appointed in 2015 to investigate the Welikada Prison incident.

However, the Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was also accused of issuing orders for the killings..

While there are many accusations against Rajapaksa such as that of relating to the MiG deal, assassination of Lasantha Wickrematunga, the shootings by the Army in Rathupaswala and the financial monument by constructing the Rajapakse monument however there appears to be no proper investigation.

Political Deal!

According to reliable sources, government parties with have made a deal with Gotabaya which is preventing investigations while police inspector Rangajeewa is being protected according to the same political deal.

Powerful government intervention!

Rajapaksa also continues to file fundamental rights petitions preventing legal action being taken against him while it is said he is being protected through a powerful government intervention.

Nothing will happen till 2019!

Police Inspector Rangajeewa is said to have already filed a petition before the Supreme Court asking for the prevention of his arrest and reliable sources say that the Supreme Court will decide accordingly.

Accordingly, due to the current political deals if is unlikely that regard to the corruption of the government in the past will be looked at It is also reported that the law will not take action regard to the killings of the same period.


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